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This project describes an electronic survey tool deployed from within the electronic health record and coupled with a conversation with a clinical informatician as a method to manage CDSS design and lifecycle.
David Rubins MD
Sayon Dutta MD
Adam Wright PhD
Gianna Zuccotti MD, MPH
Status/Stage of Development
983 user feedback comments over 1 year
-112 (11%) were blank or single character responses
-321 (33%) related to clinical care (not feedback on alert)
-550 (56%) were feedback about the alerts
Produced feedback on 89 different alerts (~19% of the CDS inventory)
415 unique users
55.3% of responses related to 10 alerts
The team responded to 27.6% of user feedback comments that were not about patient care or were blank.
Comments characterized to the following categories:
-Unclear why alert fired (27%)
-Suggestion for improvement (24%)
-Error in alert (21%)
-Frustration (19%)
-Clinical Misunderstanding of Alert (6%)
-Positive Feedback (2%)
Additional details
Feedback enabled changes to 43 alerts and the user feedback system alerted to 3 abnormal firing rates before detection by automated daily monitoring system allowing for same day correction.
Rubins D, Dutta S, Wright A, Zuccotti G. Continuous Improvement of Clinical Decision Support via an Embedded Survey Tool. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;264:1763-1764. doi:10.3233/SHTI190636