Improve quality of care and discharge plan for patients admitted to GMS with CHF by expanding SCAMP to GMS services in stepped-wedge design
Funding Sources
We are in the final round of grant application through the HEIP to hopefully receive funding, but have had Division of Hospital Medicine pledge to match 20,000
Department of Medicine
Divisions of Cardiology, Hospital Medicine
Eldrin Lewis
Joe Loscalzo
Rob Boxer
Sam Goldhaber
Michelle Morse
Aaron Richterman
Anne Beckett
Maria Yialamas
Status/Stage of Development
We have results showing that GMS patients admitted with CHF have higher rates of readmissions, lower rates of followup, less utilization of outpatient cardiologist, which is what we are seeking to improve (and even trend to increased mortality at 1 year)
Major Project Needs
- Funding